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Oblivion multiplayer
Mon, 26 Jun 2006 17:59:41 +0000
by Paul |
The Oblivion mod scene has now had a particular interesting release, although still early the MulitTES4 now enables some multiplayer features, the describe from their website:
MultiTES4 is my attempt at an Oblivion mod/add-on that, you guessed, adds multiplayer to this awesome game. I started the work on this project around the 7th of May, 2006. It's come a long way, and has a long way to go, but with perseverance and a little luck, it'll go a long way. At the moment, MultiTES4 consists of three components: A client application, a server application, and a Oblivion 'esp' modification file. All these combined with a little luck (and a whole heap of code) and voila, we have multiplayer! |
Permalink. |
by Savage Saint @ Tue, 27 Jun 2006 03:03:57 +0000 |
WOW..........looking forward to it(fist post woot) |
by HaroldFredShort @ Tue, 27 Jun 2006 06:37:00 +0000 |
Convince Bethesda to release it as an add-on. I would gladly pay piles of money to play Oblivion as a multiplayer game. |
by samthymaster @ Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:09:37 +0000 |
by wariel septim @ Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:40:55 +0000 |
BAH!!! Nice job on the modding though. But BAH!!! |
by Zelieo @ Tue, 27 Jun 2006 21:12:38 +0000 |
by samthymaster @ Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:24:42 +0000 |
khajit my svenka is getting better !! hol cheften din yavla kneppa hoora !! spelling? lol |
by AlmostAirborne @ Tue, 04 Jul 2006 09:00:00 +0000 |
Haha... not that good haha... Your svenska spelling is under all kritik... [Håll käften din jävla knäppa hora] |
by The Tired Ranger @ Tue, 04 Jul 2006 12:57:02 +0000 |
Get this to work and you'll get to be ''Martin's'' successor! |
by podo071989@yahoo.com @ Wed, 05 Jul 2006 17:55:02 +0000 |
by predator the gammer @ Fri, 07 Jul 2006 01:16:54 +0000 |
hi i am wondaring if you can help me my mods wont install i got the 1 i need it just dont go on data/files plz help |
by killerramp @ Fri, 07 Jul 2006 03:16:30 +0000 |
Nice! But listen i cant get this mod because i don't have xbox live. It should be included with the game. It would be cool if a friend could just come into oblivion with u and kick imperial guard butt! |
by Savage Saint @ Fri, 07 Jul 2006 23:11:15 +0000 |
well, there are so many variables that go into making an online game, i don't know how the CS would fit into the picture, i mean Modders could just make super weapons and kill everything in sight, destroy whole towns, no one could stop them.........well, i'm not sure this is possible, take Guild Wars fr example, its desighned as onling RPG, Oblivion is not.....then again, i'm not sure how far scripting can go, so....... |
by shanethe13 @ Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:14:40 +0000 |
This mod actually works. I've known about it for a few months and actually got a game working with someone when alpha was released. There is still a lot of bugs but you can see the other palyer running around. |
by Savage Saint @ Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:39:32 +0000 |
Hey Predator, make sure ur files are being saved to the right place, like data files, when u clikc save, and the window pops up asking where u want to save it, make sure u are saving it to Data Files,:D |
by Mehrunes Dagon @ Fri, 14 Jul 2006 17:47:15 +0000 |
This crap is impossible, the enemys couldn't be leveled, and if 1 player killed a guy in a quest it would screw it up. Nice try, but sorry it will never work. Sincerly, the Prince of Destruction |
by PArsifal aka. |>B<|APOY @ Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:59:06 +0000 |
If you think this will screw it up just look at the RUNAWAY success of Enemy Territory the FREE multiplayer mod of RTCW.... it is (was)one of the most popular multi plyr games online.. all thanks to fans and their hard work coding (and splash damage's early version, of course...) bunker.aaxxss.com |
by OBLIVION05 @ Tue, 18 Jul 2006 02:27:43 +0000 |
I saw this on Planet elder scrolls awhile ago but now he actually released a bit i can'twait to see where this goes |
by oblvioin06 @ Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:21:42 +0000 |
This will be great, just great. You go questing with your friends, kill monsters, steal things with your friends, have battles with your friends, fight in the arena with them (or against them?). Its going to be awsome, what would be cool is if you could sell stuff to your buds, and buy stuff from them. Hope to see this grow :D. |
by Haanz @ Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:15:45 +0000 |
This mod isn't going to be designed to turn Oblivion into an MMO, that's the thing people have to keep in mind. It's designed to be a server based sorta co-op thing that you'll play with friends - i.e. people you'll trust not to go and do stupid shit like kill all the NPC's, etc. The only way you could make Oblivion an obline RPG you could play with strangers (sorta like a Neverwinter Nights PW kinda thing), is if you completely redesigned the game, making tweaks everywhere to make it multiplayer friendly. However, it's pretty important people realise that this mod is not meant to be that. It's only co-op, and it works perfectly for what it's meant to do. |
by al @ Fri, 25 Aug 2006 15:16:12 +0000 |
hi i don't dig this is there like everybody can run around i the oblivionworld?/ cyrodiil and fight in the arena online walk in the mountains and meet another player? is it like world of warcraft as free as that?? ps i don't like world of warcraft |
by Bojangles @ Fri, 25 Aug 2006 22:15:22 +0000 |
I hate world of warcraft to but i hear it will be simalar it would be pretty kick ass though uh cant wait Remember the past live in the present and fear not the furture |
by Imperial guard ass kicker @ Fri, 25 Aug 2006 22:23:25 +0000 |
PS3 and your high price need to go to hell |